Chris Becker

30 Days of Healthy Eating

Chris Becker

Having just completed 30 days of eating healthy, not drinking, and exercising, it’s good to look back, and see all the great meals that I got to cook, and try. It’s also good to put on clothes that were feeling a little uncomfortable before all of this and just smile.

My husband, who is the one who got on the scales before, and after, was 12 pounds lighter, is sleeping better than ever, and is more than happy with our new eating regiment.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll post the meals that not only look delicious, but tasted so good, and all were cooked using healthy ingredients. I chose organic produce wherever possible and shopped in places that provide locally sourced ingredients.

All contained healthy alternatives to dairy, sugar, and salt that did not change the flavor of the food at all.

I hope you enjoy the images that get posted, and as always, if you want any of the recipes, please send me a note, and I’ll get them sent over.