Chris BeckerComment

BLT Salad & a Dish Named the Shoreditch Chicken

Chris BeckerComment
BLT Salad & a Dish Named the Shoreditch Chicken

This is such a great salad, the components were fresh, and colourful. Just looking at this dish makes you want to dive straight in. Lettuce, watercress, avocado, bacon, eggs, and heirloom tomatoes, and fresh herbs. A lovely tangy dressing made everything come together. I chose a favorite dressing, courtesy of The Three Sisters. However, a horseradish dressing was recommended as an alternative.

BLT salad

The chicken was marinated in ground spices, garlic, ginger juice, lime juice, and coconut milk. I left this to marinate for around six hours. If you can, overnight is also a good amount of time for this dish so, if you have the time, prepare the dish the day before. If not, a minimum of three hours is recommended.

The chicken is then roasted in the marinade and basted several times during cooking. I reserved some of the marinade before I used it, then warmed it up to serve with the chicken, after it had cooked.

Served with the BLT salad, it really was delicious. Cred to the no crumbs left team and Teri Turner for both of these recipes.

shoredish chicken